VE2302 SOM

The VE2302 SOM provides the flexibility and versatility for developers to enable designs with the AMD Versal™ AI Edge series. This System-On-Module (SOM) is a small form factor and full-featured board based on the Versal AI Edge VE2302 device featuring 328K programmable logic cells with a Dual-core Arm® Cortex®-A72 MPCore™ and Dual-core Arm Cortex-R5F MPCore, as well as L1 and L2 cache and 256KB on-chip memory all with ECC. The board features 4GB of Micron LPDDR4 with non-volatile boot options in the 64MB Micron OSPI Flash or 32GB eMMC. The SOM provides use of the Versal AI Edge GTYP transceivers (8), HDIO (22), PMC MIO (13), LPD MIO (12), XPIO (104) and SYSMON interfaces.

The SOM provides a host of features to simplify application development with a custom carrier card. Along with the XCVE2302-1LSESFVA784 the VE2302 SOM enables Gigabit Ethernet and USB2.0 using a Microchip PHY, I2C MAC EEPROM, I2C 8-bit IO Expander, PMBus, and other interfaces through three Samtec JX connectors. ECS provide clocking to the Versal AI Edge device, the on-chip real-time clock, JTAG, and communication interfaces. Power is provided by on board regulators through 5V supply from a Carrier Card with TDK μPOL™ power modules.

Whether you want to use bare metal, Linux, or Vits AI Accelerators, using a Vivado-enabled board definition file and PetaLinux BSP will enable you to be up and running in no time!


Target Applications:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Embedded Compute
  • Edge Sensor (Radar, Lidar, Vision)
  • Robotics

Key Features:

  • AMD Versal AI Edge XCVE2302-1LSESFVA784-E
  • 4GB LPDDR4, 64MB OSPI Flash, and 32GB eMMC
  • Gigabit Ethernet PHY and MAC ID EEPROM
  • USB 2.0 ULPI PHY
  • I2C 8-bit IO Expander
  • 2-CH I2C Switch/MUX
  • 104 User XPIO Pins
  • 22 User HDIO Pins
  • 25 User LPD/PMC MIO Pins
  • 8 GTYP Transceiver Lanes / Reference Clocks

Kit Includes:

  • VE2302 SOM
  • Quick-start card


ChipsetVersal™ AI Edge
Chipset BrandAMD
Min Temperature (°C)0C
Max Temperature (°C)85C